Target the shy girls for easy pickings
By Datelink staff
In any group of girls, theres usually one whos getting all
the attention. You know, shes really animated, talking a lot, outgoing,
a lot of guys are hitting on her. You can bet some of the other girls
in the group are kind of shy and are feeling left out and a bit jealous
and theyre dying for their share of attention! Give it to
them, and it will be like throwing them a lifeline theyll
cling on to you to save them from the horror of being a chick in the shadow
of some other woman!
Heres what you do: Scope out the girl in the group who seems kind
of shy, whos looking around for attention but cant seem to
get any because her girlfriend is dancing on the tabletops or just being
really loud and boisterous - and being hit on by every guy in the place.
Go up to your shy girl and say, I just cant believe it.
Shell say, What? I cant believe why everyone
is making such a fuss over your friend when theres such a beautiful
woman sitting over here in the corner. We need to do something about that.
Can I join you? Shell be very flattered, and thankful someone
noticed her! Ask her name, give her yours, and offer to buy a drink. Make
sure you dont say anything negative about her loud, flirty friend
this will turn her off. Give her the attention shes been
craving, tell her shes got beautiful eyes. Ask her about herself,
what she does for a living, where she lives women love to talk
as much as they love compliments, and they love it when someone takes
an interest. And after seeing her friend be the one to get the spotlight
all night, shell lap up the attention like crazy. Tell her you enjoyed
meeting her and would like to take her out sometime, then get her number.
Shell be all too happy to give it handing over a phone number
will show her friends that shes getting male attention, too! Shell
be thankful you saved her from sitting unnoticed, and youll be on
your way to one very hot date with a very grateful gal!
If youve found this free tip interesting and want to learn more
about exactly how to talk to women and what to say, check out Conversation
This article generously provided by Datelink
a great great source of information on meeting and dating the woman or man you
are looking for.
