Grocery stores are great places to meet women they gotta buy food,
right? And it offers a great opportunity for you to seem like a helpless
male who needs a little feminine wisdom to get him through.
Heres the plan: Go up to a woman whos browsing meat (or looking
at fruit or reading labels on laundry detergent or whatever). For instance,
if its meat, look over the meat, too, picking some up and reading
the labels then setting it back. Turn to her and say, Im hopeless
at this, I can never pick good steaks. Its always too tough or too
fatty or just not fresh. Can you help me out? Women love giving
advice, and you just gave her a golden opportunity she cant refuse.
Shell give some tips. Ask her questions, like what color to look
for, if you should buy leaner cuts, etc. When shes done and youve
selected some steaks or a package of hamburger or whatever, say, Thanks
so much, I really appreciate this. This may be the first good meal Ive
had in ages. Let me repay you let me make you dinner. You already
know Ive got good steak. Shell be a little taken by
surprise, but very pleased with the attention. Say, By the way,
Im Doug. And what can I call you? She may accept the dinner
invitation and if so, great, get the number and start planning that menu!
But since she doesnt really know you well, she may hesitate to go
to your house for a meal. So if she seems a bit reluctant, say, You
know, I know you really dont know me and might be shy about coming
to my place for dinner so soon. So how about I take you out for a nice
meal, and then you can see what a harmless guy I am, and maybe later Ill
cook you that dinner. Come on, youve got nothing to lose and youll
gain a free dinner at the restaurant of your choice. Besides, I owe you.
Your advice has saved me from a lifetime of eating bad cuts of meat. Youve
got to let me pay you back. Shell be flattered and laughing
at this point, and most likely writing down those digits for you!
If you met talking over fruit or laundry detergent, you obviously cant
offer to cook that up for her (well, you could, but youll score
crazy points instead of brownie points). But you can still thank her and
offer to pay her back by going for a cup of coffee or dinner sometime.
Play up how shes saved you from wearing horribly dingy clothes by
helping with that detergent or saved you from catching God knows what
kind of rare tropical disease imparted by eating squishy, bad fruit. Make
a joke, get her laughing, and get those digits! Supermarket scores are
great, because women love it when they think a man who was just minding
his business, doing shopping, saw her and was so taken that he couldnt
help but make a move. Female vanity has its uses, fellas!
If youve found this free tip interesting and want to learn more
about exactly how to talk to women and what to say, check out Conversation
This article generously provided by Datelink
a great great source of information on meeting and dating the woman or man you
are looking for.
